Ambassador Members

Allen Borne

Allen is an attorney who practices in New Orleans, but, has a vital interest in the economic development of the community of Hohenwald.

Bonnie Freeh

Bonnie is a graduate of the Leadership Lewis program that is sponsored by the chamber. She gives of her time and talents to many worthy causes in our community.

Kathryn Kozlinski

Kathryn is a great supporter of our community! You can always find her volunteering her time and talents to many great causes that make our community great.

Stan Smith

After retiring from decades of service of developing the local and regional workforce, Stan brings much experience to the community and to the chamber board in particular!

Annette Peery

After decades of service in the banking industry, Annette has devoted herself to many worthy causes that add much value to the community of Hohenwald!

Barbara Hinson

Barbara Hinson is one of the hardest working volunteer citizens of Hohenwald! She worked for the local school system for decades and continues to serve them as a volunteer. You can also usually find Miss Barbara hard at work serving the Lewis County Historical Society or the tourism efforts of the chamber.

Ambassadors not pictured are
Jan Tache
Michael E Hinson, Attory-at-Law